Saturday, March 18

Saint Jude Novena

(NOTE: This is the novena said after every Mass at St Jude Chapel, where I go to church on Saturdays. It's such a beautiful prayer that I thought it might be nice to share. The words in brackets are added by Fr. Celio when the prayers is said. Because the novena is perpetual, the word is changed in the Prayer from "begin" to "continue".)


In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Oh my God I believe that You are my Father, / that You created me and love me with a divine love, / and that when I pray, you hear my prayer. / Therefore, my Father, I hope in You, because You are Almighty, and can do all things / I look to you for all my needs / and because of this deep hope I love You with every beat of my heart, / and I am sorry that I ever sinned against You, / and I want to love my brother[s and sisters] as I love myself.

Therefore, / with unbounded faith in the Power and in the Mighty Intercession of Your servant St. Jude, / I do make this solumn novena.


Glorious Apostle, and Martyr, St. Jude, / I begin [continue] these days of prayer to beg your help / and to ask your intercession so that Almighty God, because of you, / will grant me my present need. (PAUSE)

(Here make known your intention)

Help all of us, Oh Dear St. Jude, in our needs / and inspire us to believe/ that there is nothing, / that will be for my good / but that God, through you, will grant me / for Jesus, my Savior has said / "if you ask the Father anything in My name He will give it to you". / Therefore, in the name of Jesus and in the name of St. Jude, / I ask the Almighty God to grant me my petition. Amen.

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. / In green pastures He makes me lie down. / He leads me to waters where I may rest; / He gives refreshment to my soul. /

(Please stand and pray together).

He takes me along paths that are straight for His name's sake / Though I should walk in a dark valley, / I will fear no evil, because You are with me. / Your rod and your staff: / these comfort me.

You did prepare for me a table in the sight of my adversaries; / You did anoint my head with oil; / my cup overflows. / Kindness and grace shall follow me all the days of my life / and I shall dwell in the House of the Lord for length of days.


We come to your alter, / our faith brings us here / We come to implore you, / may God hear our prayer / Oh good St. Jude we call on your name / All your praises your servants proclaim.


O loving and dear St. Jude / look aside from my unworthiness, / and look only to the mercy and the love of Jesus / and please take to God's heart this intention for which I pray. I do promise that I will encourage others to seek your aid / and I will do all that I can to tell others how great and good you are. With this Faith and with this Hope, / I place myself in your hands / through Jesus Christ Our Lord, Amen.

Oh Heavenly Father / please place your healing hands upon all who make this novena; / and for the glory of Your name, / hear and answer our prayer. Amen.

St. Jude pray for us.


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