Monday, March 20

From the RFM Boards

In a world where a cartoon can cause death wishes, we need to recognize the four truths that will continue until the millennium.

1. Muslims DO NOT RECOGNIZE Jews as God's chosen people.

2. Jews DO NOT RECOGNIZE Jesus as the Messiah.

3. Protestants DO NOT RECOGNIZE the Pope as the leader of the Christian World.

4. Mormons DO NOT RECOGNIZE each other at the grocery store on Sunday.


At 6:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know it's funny, I'm just not sure I get it.


At 10:12 AM, Blogger DB said...

Mormons are strongly encouraged not to shop or eat out on Sunday, in order to not only keep the Sabbath day holy, but to also help others to keep the Sabbath day holy.

So if a Mormon sees another Mormon at a restaurant or out to eat, they're pretty much catching them in a sin, and so instead they tend to avoid each other.

It really is funny to Mormons, trust me on this. :)

At 5:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get it now!

Thanks! :-D

At 6:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kind of along the same lines as...

Q: How do you keep a Mormon from ruining your fishing trip by drinking all of your beer?

A: Invite another Mormon.

Okay, just so I give Catholics equal time...

Once upon a time, a man wanted a Lexus very badly, but he simply couldn’t afford one. But he had a great idea. If he could get a Catholic priest to pray for him to obtain one, certainly God would oblige the prayer of such a holy man. With great optimism, he went to see a Franciscan priest.

Man: Father, would you pray a novena for me to obtain a Lexus?
Franciscan: What’s a Lexus?
Man: It’s a very expensive luxury car.
Franciscan: That violates the “spirit of poverty” so cherished by Saint Francis. I’m sorry, but this I cannot do.

Undaunted, he then went to a Dominican priest.

Man: Father, would you pray a novena for me to obtain a Lexus?
Dominican: What’s a Lexus?
Man: It’s a very expensive luxury car.
Dominican: That doesn’t correspond to the purpose of prayer set forth in Summa Theologiae. I’m sorry, but this I cannot do.

Still hopeful in his quest, the man went to see a Carmelite priest.

Man: Father, would you pray a novena for me to obtain a Lexus?
Carmelite: What’s a Lexus?
Man: It’s a very expensive luxury car.
Carmelite: That wouldn’t foster the kind of happiness that comes from living virtuously, as Saint Teresa has advised. I’m sorry, but this I cannot do.

Figuring he was now out of luck, he decided to give it one more try. This time, he sought out a Jesuit priest.

Man: Father, would you pray a novena for me to obtain a Lexus?
Jesuit: What’s a novena?

At 11:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard it was that they don't "recognize each other in the liquor store" but then I live in Utah.

At 12:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha ha. That made me laugh.

I found your blog via toothpaste for dinner, but I must say I enjoy reading through it because I'm an ex mormon also, as well as my mother who reverted to catholicism (She was catholic before)

She says she's much happier now, and I believe her. We have our own differences, but I can say that I've been intrigued more than a few times about catholicism. I enjoy learning about everything. I remember that was a sore point while we were all still mormon. If I wanted to read about other religions, or even attend church with a friend who was not a mormon, my faith had to be weak or shaken in order for me to want to do this.

I wasn't doing it simply to try it out, I was doing it to be with my friend, and support them, which I thought was fair, especially if I wanted them theoretically to attend church with me.

Anyway, well, I'm enjoying perusing your blog and reading about your experiences.


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