Thursday, January 12

So many things to talk about

I really haven't meant to neglect this blog, it's just that I have so many things to blog about I don't know where to start.

So I guess I'll start here, with small bites of things. My husband had a back strain last week, so he went to the doctor and got some muscle relaxants. Becuase the medicine whacked out his sleeping schedule, my sleeping schedule got whacked up, too. Then I was so tired I missed the Breaking of the Word for the first time since I started going to RCIA. I found out last night that my sponsor was there and missed me. So that made me sad that I had skipped it.

I had gone to Saturday Latin Mass, and then a lesson at St. Jude's, then on Sunday I went to the 9:30a mass, so it's not like I missed learning about the Feast of the Epiphany.


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