Tuesday, February 7

Gregorian Schola

I love Gregorian Chant. I have a pretty decent collection of CD's with chant on it, and I've always loved listening to it ever since the "Chant" album made Gregorian Chant trendy for a while. I fell in love with it and continued to listen to it. When I heard that they had a Gregorian Schola (choir) at the Cathedral, I was eager to learn more.

I'm still debating about whether to join the Gregorian Schola at the Cathedral, though, because I know joining is pretty much committing me to being a member of the Cathedral verses being a member of St. Jude's if that makes sense. I can still go to Saturday mass at St. Jude's, so it's not like I'd never be there. It's just that once I get my catechism completed, I want to get active in my parish, and being in the Gregorian Schola means essentially choosing the Cathedral over St. Jude's as my main church.

I want to be active in St. Jude's and I'm sure that the church won't fold up and go away if I don't go on Sundays. It means a lot to me, though, to support Fr. C's ministry. On the other hand, it would be SOOO COOL to be involved with the schola. I would love to learn how to sing the Latin songs and how to read the music.


At 8:10 PM, Blogger Gunner said...

I have loved Gragorian chants for deades. What is strange is that I recently came upon a different type of chant. Called Cistercian chants I seem to be unable to find much on them. Maybe they are the little brother to the older Gregorians.

Just thought if you liked gregorian chants you might give them a try also.

At 2:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Gunner,

The chant of the Cistercian Order represents the chant tradition of the 11th-12th century Cistercian monks. It is one of the various plainchant traditions of the middle ages. "Gregorian Chant" represents (more or less) the chant as done in the Frankish Church in the 10th-11th century. It has been preserved by the Benedictines and appears in the chant books of the Roman Church (which dropped its own tradition in the 12th cent.). Cistercian chants are shortened from the forms found in the Gregorian. The same is true of the "Dominican Chant" particular to the Dominican order. The best known group of Cistercians known today are the Trappists.


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