Wednesday, May 24

Carnival of the Veil

This week we have quite an interesting mix of posts for the ExMo/ PostMormon "Carnival of the Veil". Enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: For my Catholic readers, just a reminder that these blogs are ExMo, but not necessarily pro-Christian or Pro-Catholic.

Gunner, the originator of this Carnival, talks about God - the man behind the myth. He specifically discusses the attributes of the Mormon God and sees which attributes he dislikes the most, with Mormon scriptural references to back up his claims.

Natalie Collins from "Trapped by the Mormons" brings to light some interesting comments made by a a Salt Lake Tribune journalist about the DaVinci Code.

Exmoron from the group blog "Sons of Perdition" presents an interesting argument describing the way that the Mormon church makes attempts to "mainstream" its beliefs.

JLO, one of my personal favorite ExMo blogs , described (with vivid detail) yet another interesting experience he had while in the mission field - watching the locals butcher a Brahma bull.

Cr@ig, from "Cr@ig in the Middle", relays his experience while viewing the Joseph Smith movie, as well as many of the "whitewashing" contained within.

Doug from "Eight Hour Lunch" presents his newest personal War of Wits, the Weenie Awards and discusses the reasons for the nominees.

Diane from "The Thought Spot" graduates!

Trixie Granny
of "Shallow Thoughts" gives an interesting thought about Near Death Experiences.

Equality from "Equality Time" discusses her feelings on the Billion Dollar Mall being built with LDS funds in downtown Salt Lake City, UT.


At 1:42 PM, Blogger john f. said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 4:01 PM, Blogger Gunner said...

Sorry John f. left a note here Cynthia. He also left a note on my blog. I figure I'll leave his own words up for others to see.


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