Tuesday, December 6

Busy Week for church

It's going to be a busy week for church this week. Tomorrow, during our RCIA time, our class is going to participate in the Cathedra's novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe. We're going to say a partial rosary from what I understand and there's going to be a bilingual mass (normally 7p mass is Spanish-speaking).

Then on Thursday, at 5:10p, at St. Jude's, they're having a mass for the Holy Day of Obligation for the Immaculate Conception. Then Saturday, I have my usual Latin Mass at St. Jude's, then Sunday I have church at St. Jude's for the Third Sunday of Advent, and then my RCIA church and Breaking of the Word.

Although I know I'm spending a lot of time in church, I also am really enjoying it.


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